Monday, February 14, 2011

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The temptation of Adam and Eve by the serpent

; Notre Dame Cathedral of St. Castor

The punishment of Eve

According to rabbinic tradition, the honeycomb is a punishment inflicted on women because of Eve's fault.
The argument of the rabbis of the Talmudic period is as follows: Eve is responsible for the decision of God to mortal man, since it is what made him eat the forbidden fruit.
As she caused the death of Adam, is considered to have shed his blood. Thus it is doomed to menstruation.

Avot by Rabbi Nathan, Version B Chapter 9
Why the command of the honeycomb was he given to the woman and not man? Since the first man's blood was the blood of God, and Eve versa. That is why we gave him command of the honeycomb, to atone for the blood she has shed.

Jerusalem Talmud, Shabbat, Chapter 2, 5b (Halacha 6)
The first man [אדם] was bloodshed in the world, as it says "an exhalation [אד] s elevation of the earth "(Genesis 2, 6). Eve caused his death, and it For this reason has been given command of the honeycomb to the woman.

Tanchumah Midrash, Parasah Noah, 1
Our masters taught: Adam was the beginning of the creation of the world, and Eve came and shed his blood because he listened and died as he says "you return to the ground since you was taken in" (Genesis 3, 19). The Holy One, blessed be He said that the blood of menstruation it be given so that the blood she has shed is expiated "

A married woman is considered as ritually (and not morally or physically) during the impure rules and that means a temporary physical separation of the couple.

A Midrash gives an interesting perspective on the meaning of the impurity : about the woman who gave birth to a boy , the Torah gives the following two following laws: "It shall be unclean for seven days as a woman and Nida, the eighth day they circumcised his son" and the Midrash insists that the impurity lasts seven days, and that is the day after, or the eighth day, we will circumcise the child, and he said this: "If you keep the laws conscientiously Nida lasting seven days, I'll give you a son and circumcised on the eighth day."
According to tradition, the number 7 represents nature: indeed, Gd created the universe in 7 days. The number 8, it represents the excess of Nature. This is the meaning of the circumcision ceremony where the man above, for to obey Gd, it operates a newborn.
The Midrash also linked the impurity to purity, presenting it as a preparation: If you respected the laws Nida (7 days), you will receive a gift of a mitzvah, circumcision (day 8).
This one is crucial, because this tells us that the impurity can not be understood isolated and is the process of transition from an impurity to that purity is important.
Perhaps this tension between nature and beyond it lies the essence of purity laws. Indeed, one can see that the impurity is located in states that basically beyond the control of man. toraisrael


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